Friday, July 1, 2011

Free Yourself From Big Energy Brother With This Simple Tool.

Have you ever wondered why your monthly energy bills have been so out of whack these days?  Do you feel that during the stagnant economic crisis, that all your energy bills is sucking the very hard earned money you make. and with nothing to show for it after a good portion of it goes to the money lustful corporate fat heads?And do you feel that the current administration is giving a damn about helping the American people in cutting costs?  You know the answer to that one right?  i thought so.

What if I can show you how to build a simple electric generator with 7 specific items you can find @ your local electronics shop for $2?  How about how to build a hydro electric generator

for under $200?  Sounds too good to be true?  Then let me make you aware of a blueprint where you can do this project within days & say goodbye to those BS overpriced monthly utility bills in the trash can for life.  All this can be directed back to a revolutionary genuis by the name of Nikola Tesla, who was in fact head to head in competition w/ non other than Thomas Edison, the inventor of the incandescent light bulb.

Now to make history short for you as I know you have places to go & things to do, Tesla has always been targeted by Big Energy Brother for his unorthodox methods of literally making energy out of thin air by using common sense & logic to his advantage.  Unfortunately, Nikola Tesla succumbed to the tyrannical forces of Big Energy Brother, all his ideas & innovations for advancing energy resources streamlined & simplified, were confiscated until recently, his plans resurfaced from freedom loving individuals getting back to the corporate money hungry giants.

The program I will show to you will save & slash your energy bills from 30%  up to 60%!  In how to build your own electric generator  without giving off hazardous emissions into the air or environment, the program will be available for immediate download in PDF @ your disposal.

Think of all the savings you will keep when you learn how to build a small electric generator for under $200.  The possibilities of hundreds, even thousands of dollars off from paying to Big Energy Brother is very substantial.  Please allow yourself to take this opportunity and have you pocket more of your hard earned money, especially in todays’ economy.  You owe it to yourself & your family.  Investing in just under $200 for a lifetime of “free electricity” so to speak, will get you off the grid and do what you want to do with your hard earned income.